Paris Vol. 5 Time Lapse

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Mesajlar: 363
Kayıt: 10 Kas 2020 Sal 12:24 am
Konum: Eskişehir

Paris Vol. 5 Time Lapse

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Entry from July 27, 2009 "We are jet-lagged and exhausted. The alarm blared at 4:30 am. Without opening my eyes I hit the snooze. "Just five more minutes" I told myself… "Lets go dude" a groggy voice commanded from the background. I didn't move. Out of nowhere, a pillow slammed down on my head, the mattress is lifted out from under me, and I hit the hardwood floor just missing my camera bag. "Ugh not again" I thought, but I knew he was right, we needed to hustle across the city and get our cameras rolling before sunrise. "
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